Topic: STOP DELAYING  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 25 November 2021 -

Topic: STOP DELAYING  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 25 November 2021

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John 4:34-36 (TPT) Then Jesus spoke up and said, “My food is to be doing the will of him who sent me and bring it to completion.” … Jesus said to his disciples, “Why would you say, ‘The harvest is another four months away’? Look at all the people coming—now is harvest time! For their hearts are like vast fields of ripened grain—ready for a spiritual harvest. And everyone who reaps these souls for eternal life will receive a reward. And those who plant spiritual seeds and those who reap the harvest will celebrate together with great joy!

Every time we delay in carrying out God’s will on the earth, we are exposing the lives of people and various spheres of influence to a lot of harm and danger. When fruits get ripe but are not harvested and stored or packaged properly, such fruits can either be eaten by the birds of the air or they will fall to the ground and rot away. The birds of the air here, can represent false ministers and all kinds of deceivers that take advantage of people. Falling to the ground on the other hand, can represent dying and leaving this earth.

Every time we yield to the deception of our flesh or the devil and we delay in reaching out to others by not preaching the gospel to them, manifesting God’s power and doing God’s will, we are allowing the devil to steal, kill and destroy God’s harvest. One of the reasons why we sometimes delay is because we think ‘there is still time.’ When we have such a mindset, we will not do God’s will with a sense of urgency as Jesus did when He was on the earth. We will allow distractions and discouragements to overtake us and before we know it, it may be too late. Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world,” (John 9:4-5).

Also Read: Open Heaven 25 November 2021 –Topic: STAND UP AGAINST EVIL 

God wants us to walk circumspectly and redeem the time, (Eph.5:14-17). He wants us to walk with purpose in every step. He wants us to be more sensitive to the leading and empowerment of His Spirit so we can be more effective as witnesses of Christ, (Acts 1:8). Enter every day with the joy and anticipation of having various opportunities to meet people, preach the gospel and share God’s love and power with them.

Heavenly Father, I do not want to delay doing your will. Please help me to rise up, preach the gospel and do your will with a sense of urgency.

Daniel 1:1-2:23, 1 Peter 3:8-4:6, Psalm 119:65-80, Proverbs 28:14

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