Topic: Stop Running [Joyce Meyer Devotional 21 October 2021] -

Topic: Stop Running [Joyce Meyer Devotional 21 October 2021]

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He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters.— Psalm 23:2 (NIV)View Previous DevotionalOCTOBER 21, 2021

Stop Running

Today’s scripture comes from Psalm 23. This is a familiar Bible passage to many people and one that offers much hope and strength.

Simply reading about green pastures and quiet waters can give us a great sense of peace. I don’t know anyone who is not longing for more peace right now. Everywhere we look, we see news stories about unrest. We hear about friends or coworkers who have disagreements. We may even find ourselves in a conflict with someone or in some other situation that threatens to steal our peace. Or as is the case with many people, we may simply lead such a busy, stress-filled life that peace seems out of reach.

To have the peace God longs to give us and to experience His rest we must take time to be still. No one can lie down while they are constantly running—running to work, running to take children somewhere, running to the grocery store, running to care for elderly parents, running to meet a friend for coffee, running to get the house clean. We all have things we must and should take care of, so ask God to show you how to slow down and take time to be still and enjoy peace.

Prayer Starter: Father, help me to stop running, to be still, and to enjoy the peace You long to give me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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