Topic: Stop Wasting Time and Decide [Joyce Meyer Devotional 9 October 2021]

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If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God…and it will be given to him.— James 1:5 (NKJV)View Previous DevotionalOCTOBER 09, 2021

Stop Wasting Time and Decide

In America we like options, but we have become so excessive that it has gotten confusing. We have so many clothes that we stand in our closet for long periods feeling that we have nothing to wear. We go to restaurants with a massive menu and cannot decide what to eat. Our large variety of choices has become a hindrance instead of a help to us.

I think we may have to aggressively practice just making a decision instead of wasting too much time trying to make one and possibly never doing so. We can focus on a few choices and then decide.

You might think, What if I miss the best one? But you can spend another hour trying to decide and still end up with the choice you made. Once we use our time, whether wisely or unwisely, it is gone forever. I think it is best not to waste it!

Prayer Starter: Father God, thank you for giving me options in the first place, and time. Please give me the grace and direction in making decisions, knowing You have my back, regardless of the decisions I make. In the name of Jesus, amen!

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