Topic: STUCK — [Max Lucado Ministry 7 OCTOBER 2020]

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The man near the pool of Bethesda didn’t use the word stuck, but he sure could have. For thirty-eight years near the edge of a pool, it was just him, his mat, and his paralyzed body. And since no one would help him, help never came. Crowds of people—despondent, dejected, one after the other—awaited their chance to be placed in the pool where healing waters bubbled up. Can you envision them? And, more importantly, can you envision Jesus walking among them?

All the gospels’ stories of help and healing invite us to embrace the wonderful promise: “Wherever [Jesus] went he healed people of every sort of illness. And what pity he felt for the crowds that came, because their problems were so great and they didn’t know what to do or where to go for help” (Matthew 9:35–36 TLB). My friend, remember Jesus sees you, and you are never alone

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