Topic: Study What’s Real to Detect What Isn’t True [RICK WARREN Devotional 18 May 2020] -

Topic: Study What’s Real to Detect What Isn’t True [RICK WARREN Devotional 18 May 2020]

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Study What’s Real to Detect What Isn’t True

“Since only your rules can give me wisdom and understanding, no wonder I hate every false teaching.”

Psalm 119:104 (TLB)The only way to really know what’s fake is to know what’s real.

Many people today fall for foolish ideas because they don’t know the truth. And because they don’t know what’s authentic, they can’t spot a lie.

That’s why it is so important to study God’s Word. By knowing biblical truth, you’ll be able to spot false teaching.

The psalmist wrote, “Since only your rules can give me wisdom and understanding, no wonder I hate every false teaching” (Psalm 119:104 TLB).

By the time a typical American student graduates from high school today, he or she will have spent more than 30,000 hours in front of a screen (including video games, tablets, laptops, and TVs).

Any guess how long it takes to read the entire Bible—all 66 books? It takes just 80 hours.

We have the time. The question is, how will we use our time? God gave us his Word to give us the wisdom we need to live a fulfilling and productive life.

Make the most of this awesome gift by making time to study it today and every day.

  • How have you seen other people become wiser through consistent Bible study?
  • What keeps you from spending more time reading the Bible?
  • Think of the activities you do most consistently. How important are they compared to Bible study?

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