Topic: Sunday Reflection: Being a Good Neighbor [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 12 December 2021] -

Topic: Sunday Reflection: Being a Good Neighbor [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 12 December 2021]

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Sunday Reflection: Being a Good Neighbor

Being a “good neighbor” means that you invest in others in meaningful relationships that help a community grow.

December 12, 2021

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the Scripture referenced throughout.

Consider this story of two neighbors: One is withdrawn and somewhat grumpy. He never speaks to anyone (unless yelling at kids to get off his lawn counts as a conversation). The other waves at everyone, is always up for a chat, and knows all the people in the neighborhood by name. Who do you think is living the happier, more fulfilling life? 

Also Read: Open Heaven 12 December 2021 –Topic: COMPLY WITH THE WORD 

The neighbor who makes time for people builds community and is firmly becoming established as a member of it. This doesn’t happen automatically, however. Creating strong bonds requires time, resources, and emotional investment in others, which is rarely easy (but always worth it). Yet if we are willing to give ourselves away for the good of others, we’ll find a sense of wholeness and belonging that we can’t experience alone. It is only by giving up our life that we each more fully become the person God intends (Matt. 16:24-27; Luke 14:27).

Think about it

  •  What kind of neighbor are you? How can you reach out and build a stronger community with those who live nearby?

Bible in One Year: 2 Thessalonians 1-3BIBLEREADING
Matthew 16:24-27Luke 14:272 Thessalonians 1-3TEXT SIZENormalLargeLargerDARK MODEDisabledEnabled

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