Topic: Sunday Reflection: For Something Better [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 5 September 2021] -

Topic: Sunday Reflection: For Something Better [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 5 September 2021]

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Sunday Reflection: For Something Better

  • SEPTEMBER 05, 2021

Daily In Touch Devotion SUNDAY05

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the Scripture referenced throughout.

We all know Zacchaeus was a “wee little man” who climbed a sycamore tree to catch a glimpse of Jesus—a rather undignified act (Luke 19:1-9). But what was his motive? From a worldly perspective, Zacchaeus had everything to lose and nothing to gain from meeting Christ. Yet that didn’t stop him. Despite his influence and wealth, he sensed that there was something more to life. And perhaps he sensed, too, that there was Someone who would unconditionally love even a despised tax collector.

When Jesus said He would be staying at Zacchaeus’s house, the man “hurried and came down, and received Him joyfully” (Luke 19:6). Then that joy overflowed into action. After coming face-to-face with the Savior, Zacchaeus—without any prompting—pledged to give half his possessions to the poor and repay four times the amount he had extorted. By unclenching his fingers to relinquish the money, he was able to reach out for the greater blessing Jesus offered.

Think about it
• Is there something in your life that God is leading you to relinquish? If so, what is the reason for your hesitation?

Bible in One Year: Ezekiel 29-31

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