Topic: Sunday Reflection: His Comfort in Our Mourning [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 22 March 2020] -

Topic: Sunday Reflection: His Comfort in Our Mourning [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 22 March 2020]

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The Bible is full of stories about people who are hurting. In Psalm 22, the writer cries, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” (Psalm 22:1). When immersed in hurt or sorrow, we too have questions and may cry out to the Lord. Or we might withdraw in silence like Job, who endured staggering losses (Job 2:13). But no matter how we experience anguish, we aren’t alone—God enters our pain and wants to comfort us.

The Old Testament prophets knew that the coming Messiah would be “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (Isa. 53:3). They foresaw the One who would “turn [our] mourning into joy” (Jer. 31:13). Hundreds of years later, these promises were fulfilled—in the life and ministry of Jesus.


• On the cross, Jesus echoed Psalm 22. In the midst of your own suffering, have you ever cried out with your own “Why?”
• Notice that Psalm 22 begins with a cry and ends in praise. This is a pattern we see lived out in the story of Job: Despite all his difficulties, he remained hopeful and faithful. What are some steps you can take to find hope in a difficult situation?

Bible in One Year:   Ruth 3-4

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