Topic: Sunday Reflection: The Blessing of Transformation [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 19 July 2020]

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Sunday Reflection: The Blessing of Transformation

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the Scripture referenced throughout.

In his letter to the Romans, Paul urged the church to be transformed so they could resist the ways of the world and discern God’s will (Rom. 12:1-2). Interestingly, the apostle used the word translated elsewhere as “transfiguration”—the same term that described Jesus becoming radiant on the mountain (Matt. 17:2)—to describe the kind of change believers are called to.

But resisting the world’s ways doesn’t mean simply avoiding certain behaviors. In fact, it’s possible to act rightly and still not be transformed. No, the change required of us is nothing less than divine work: a remaking of our heart and mind. And the only way to get there is by abiding in Jesus—living each day in step with Him and His will. (Read John 15.)

Think about it
• That same Greek word meaning “transfiguration” is also found in 2 Corinthians 3:18, where Paul writes about being transformed into the image of God. How can you “reflect” the Lord, as if a mirror, in your day-to-day life?

• Paul calls for this transformation to happen by “the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2). What could you do today to participate in that process with God?Bible in One Year: Ecclesiastes 9-12

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