Topic: Sunday Reflection: The Lord Guides Us [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 17 January 2021] -

Topic: Sunday Reflection: The Lord Guides Us [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 17 January 2021]

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Sunday Reflection: The Lord Guides Us

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the Scripture referenced throughout.

Have you ever encountered a rule that seemed confusing or unnecessary? Often in situations like those, what we lack is context—a deeper understanding. Sometimes the Lord’s wisdom can feel frustrating or confusing, too. But chances are, we simply need more insight and time. That’s why a regular discipline of reading and meditating on Scripture is so essential. Alongside prayer and consistent worship, the ongoing intake of God’s Word is the foundation of our growth in Christ.

We need time to get to the point of understanding what it means to be free in Christ while simultaneously submitting to Him. Becoming spiritually mature is a lifelong process, and there are no shortcuts. Wherever you are in your faith journey, remember there is still room to grow in Christlikeness. And that requires both intention and attention, as you take steps each day to seek Him. The Lord knows just what you need to keep moving. All you have to do is ask.

Think about it
• Our understanding of freedom in Jesus grows over time. In your own journey, which moments taught you the most?

•  What does it mean to “take care” with regard to your liberty in Christ, as Paul puts it (1 Corinthians 8:9)?

Bible in One Year: Exodus 4-6

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