Topic: Sunday Reflection: You Will Be Free [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 7 February 2021] -

Topic: Sunday Reflection: You Will Be Free [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 7 February 2021]

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Sunday Reflection: You Will Be Free

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the Scripture referenced throughout.

When Jesus preached in the temple, He said, “If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). The people listening that day had a difficult time understanding that He was talking about Himself. But it’s no wonder Jesus’ listeners were confused. He hadn’t yet died on the cross and risen from the grave. Yet here’s the unfortunate truth: Sometimes we’re just as confused, even though we know how the story ends.

It’s easy to forget God’s promise of abundant life in Him—a life liberated by His love—and to continue making choices that enslave us to sin. And at times these choices can have longstanding effects. The good news is that God’s offer of freedom is always available to us, no matter how far we stray. We simply need to stop and turn once again in His direction. Repentance is always the path to greater freedom.

• What would turning once again in Jesus’ direction look like right now in your life? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything that’s getting in the way of your freedom in Christ. Whatever He shows you, confess it and ask Him to help you walk in repentance.

Bible in One Year: Leviticus 26-27

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