Topic: SUPERIORITY OF BLESSING TO RICHES [Bishop David Abioye Devotional 29 November 2019]
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Today: 2019-11-29
Labour gives access to riches. It is favour that guarantees blessing.
God has given man power to become rich via His labour but only God blesses.
Riches are rewards of labour but blessings are benefits of redemption.
There are many things that riches cannot buy but there is nothing that blessings cannot procure.
Riches comes on weekly or monthly basis but blessing comes to us on daily basis
(Ps. 68:19).
Therefore, labour not to be rich (Prov. 23:4, 5).
We work to obey God’s command to work.
Work is only a channel but not a source of blessing, only God is source.
Riches may fade and wane but blessings are enduring and everlasting (Prov. 10:22)
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