Topic: “SUPERNATURAL WISDOM” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 1 September 2020

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READ: 1 John 1:5-10

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light…” – 1 John 1:7

The accuser will try to make you worthless. The name Belial means worthlessness. Satan is trying to make your ministry worthless. He tries to make you as an individual worthless: Proverbs 6:26. Satan wants to reduce you to the lowest possible level in this life. That is the spirit of poverty, uselessness and worthlessness. Be delivered in Jesus’ name!

The accuser will try to rule you. Satan is the ruler of darkness. When you walk in sin and darkness, you are walking into his hands. Stay away from sin, stay away from that realm and stay close to the light. John 8:12. The accuser will deceive you. Satan’s strength towards you is deception. Persistent lying and deceptive tricks have made him the master deceiver of all time: (Revelation 12:9). He will try to deceive you into believing many things that are not so. Most of our difficulties are because of delusions. Most of our sorrows are because of erroneous things that we have believed. If Satan is able to deceive the whole world then you must constantly ask yourself: “What current delusion am I experiencing?”

The accuser will fight with you. Expect the fight of your life as you step into ministry. You will be fighting until your very last day. Intelligent demons, wicked spirits, wrestling powers will engage you until you lie down in the grave. You need supernatural wisdom and closeness to God to survive. It is not about power. It is about fighting a liar and a clever deceiver.

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