Topic: Surrendering All – Our Daily Bread 24 January 2021

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Surrendering All

Bible in a Year:

  • Exodus 9–11
  • Matthew 15:21–39

Peter spoke up, “We have left everything to follow you!”Mark 10:28

SHAREToday’s Scripture & Insight:Mark 10:26–31

Two men remembered for serving others for Jesus left careers in the arts to commit themselves to where they believed God had called them. James O. Fraser (1886–1938) decided not to pursue being a concert pianist in England to serve the Lisu people in China, while the American Judson Van DeVenter (1855–1939) chose to become an evangelist instead of pursuing a career in art. He later wrote the hymn “I Surrender All.”

While having a vocation in the arts is the perfect calling for many, these men believed God called them to relinquish one career for another. Perhaps they found inspiration from Jesus counseling the rich, young ruler to give up his possessions to follow Him (Mark 10:17–25). Witnessing the exchange, Peter exclaimed, “We have left everything to follow you!” (v. 28). Jesus assured him that God would give those who follow Him “a hundred times as much in this present age” and eternal life (v. 30). But He would give according to His wisdom: “Many who are first will be last, and the last first” (v. 31).

No matter where God has placed us, we’re called to daily surrender our lives to Christ, obeying His gentle call to follow Him and serve Him with our talents and resources—whether in the home, office, community, or far from home. As we do, He’ll inspire us to love others, putting their needs above our own.

By:  Amy Boucher Pye

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Reflect & Pray

Who comes to mind when you think of someone who’s sacrificed for Jesus? How is God calling you to surrender?

Jesus, help me to surrender my all for You today as I serve You and those around me for Your honor.

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