Topic: TAKE A QUALITY DECISION TO SERVE GOD  – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 29 February 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.” 2 Chronicles 26:5 (KJV)
We are told in 2 Chronicles chapter 26 that Uzziah was sixteen years old when he became King in Judah, and he ruled for fifty-two years. That was unprecedented in the history of Kings, but the clincher was that he ruled well even as a young person. I itch when I see young people wasting their time and their God-given resources on mundane things. Put on your imagination! If Uzziah, at that tender age could rule a nation, then what excuse do you have not to excel in your business, career, job, or wherever the Lord has located you?    

Beloved, it is pertinent to note also that King Uzziah came to the throne at a time when it was not fashionable to serve God. At sixteen he made a choice that eternally changed his life and destiny. What choices are you making today? Take a quality decision to serve the Lord and to follow Him with all your heart and strength. We are told that King Uzziah’s defining moment came when God helped him both against his enemies and in building great infrastructures that earned him respect. My prayer is that as you will continuously serve God.  He will help you and show you a token for good.
I am a firm believer that eyes have not seen, neither have ears heard nor has it entered into the heart of man what God has in stock for you. God will drop some incredible ideas into your spirit that will blow your mind away and take your world by storm. I declare that the world will hear of you. You will never go under because you are the seed of the righteous. No man will sit on your throne. God will catapult you to your palace. Those who planned against you will turn around to bow before your God. God will show Himself strong on your behalf. You will not end in shame or disaster
Further Reading: 2 Chronicles 26:1-15Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Numbers 19; Evening- Mark 6:36-40

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