Topic: Take Off the Labels [Joel Osteen Ministries - Today's Word 11 January 2022] -

Topic: Take Off the Labels [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 11 January 2022]

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Take Off the Labels

Jan 11, 2022

Today’s Scripture

John 20:27, NIVThen he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

Today’s Word

After Jesus rose from the dead, Thomas initially doubted that it was true, but soon believed through Jesus meeting with him. What’s interesting is that Thomas doubted that one time, but he’s been labeled “Doubting Thomas.” You would think he had doubted and questioned his faith for his whole life, but this had been just a few days of his life. It’s easy to let one failure define who you are. If Thomas would have worn that label, he would never have fulfilled his destiny. Yet the apostle Thomas took the gospel to India and made an incredible impact with his life.

Are you wearing negative labels from the past? God’s mercies are new every morning. Receive that mercy and move on. “What about that failure?” It’s in the past. “What about that mistake?” It’s covered by mercy. “What about the divorce, the compromise, the time I blew it?” That’s over and done. Life is too short for you to let what happened in the past keep you from the great things God has in your future.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that there are no negative labels that can stick to me because I have received Your great mercy. Thank You that I am not defined by my mistakes and failures, but I am defined by what You say about me. I am forgiven and redeemed and free from condemnation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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