Topic: Take the First Step [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 20 May 2021]

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Today’s Scripture

Matthew 5:9, NIVBlessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Today’s Word

A lot of times we think, “When she changes, I’ll change. When he starts treating me better, I’ll be nice.” But here’s the key: God will reward you in a greater way if you put your ego down and take the first step. Pride will tell you, “When they’re acting wrong, don’t treat them right. They don’t deserve it.” But you’re not doing it for them; you’re doing it unto God. You’re not saying, “I approve of how you treat me.” You’re saying, “God, I’m going to be a peacemaker, even though I don’t like this.” Human nature says to treat people like they’re treating us. All that does is make matters worse. God brought the people into your life on purpose. It was all a part of His plan. We all have weaknesses and shortcomings. Learn to rise above the strife and be the difference maker. If you make the first move, that seed you’re sowing will be what God uses to bring you a harvest of peace.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You make me a difference maker by the way I love and respect other people. Help me to be a peacemaker even when I don’t like how someone else is treating me. I look forward to the harvest of peace You are bringing me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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