Topic: Teaching Children Diligently [Tony Evans Ministry 24 January 2020]

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Teaching Children Diligently

Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. – (Proverbs 22:6)

If you have a family, you are responsible to make sure that the truth you are learning is transmitted to your children. If you don’t teach God’s Word to your family, there is someone else out there who has another word he would be glad to teach to your kids.

Satan has his own message, his own kingdom, and his own teachers. They would be glad to teach your children for you. Some of these teachers are on the streets, some are in the school system, and some may even be in the church. Your child could be sitting next to another kid whose lack of regard for God is going to rub off on your kid.

So we have to teach our children “diligently,” not occasionally. That may mean turning off the television and using the time for teaching. Whatever it may involve, you have to carve out time with your family to teach the Word.

Neither the government nor the church has been charged to do what parents are supposed to do. So we parents can’t blame the church or the state if our kids turn out messed up. It starts with the parents and the family.

But if you do the job, I have good news for you. Give your kids God’s Word early in life, and even if they do take a left turn, the Holy Spirit has something to hook on to and bring them back.

If you are single and don’t have your own children, then look for children around you who may not have parents involved in their lives. They could be nieces, nephews, or kids at the local school or church whom you could mentor in God’s Word. As part of the body of Christ, everyone is part of a family.

Reflection: What does diligence in teaching look like? Have you been diligent yourself in learning from God? In teaching? In what areas have you taken the easy road in terms of teaching your children? What can you do about this today?

Lord, I pray for myself and for the parents I know that You will give patience and diligence in the raising of children. And I pray for children who do not have parents in their lives, that You will raise up surrogates to love them.

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