Topic: “TESTIMONY” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 4 January 2020

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READ: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

“…and thou shalt anoint unto me him whom I name unto thee.“ – 1 Samuel 16:3

Sometime during the middle of the year 1988, I had to fulfil what is called a “Community Health Rotation”. During the Community Health Rotation, I had to travel outside the city of Accra to a smaller town called Suhum, in another region of the country. I was there to gain practical experience in running a hospital and working out on the field where conditions are different from the bigger cities.

Although I was fulfilling my medical school requirements, as usual my mind was on the ministry . By the second week, I took advantage of a more relaxed timetable and decided to fast and pray . On my way out of Accra to Suhum, I had passed through a Christian bookshop and bought some of Kenneth Hagin’s tapes. I had been a great follower and admirer of Kenneth Hagin’s ministry. Actually , I had already listened to those particular tapes many times before, but I just wanted to have something to listen to. I loved the Word and I loved the minister of the Word. I was not trying to memorize the message although I ended up remembering almost every sentence. Listening to tapes never replaced my Bible study and personal quiet times. I was not losing my personality! I wasn’t becoming a clone. I was being blessed tremendously!

One night I was praying, fasting and listening to one of the tapes that I had bought. Something happened to me that made a big difference to my ministry. It transformed the ministry from a little classroom full of nursing students to a ministry that impacts thousands of people around the world today.

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