Topic: THE ANTI-DOTE OF SIN – – 25 May 2022

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Dearly Beloved, Did Apostle Paul find a deliverer? Yes!, he did. When we know the limitations our problems placed upon us, then we will begin to cry for deliverance. After his question, “Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” The question of Apostle Paul did not reveal that Paul was not aware of a deliverer, but he was ignorant of the very person that shall delivered him, but it happened that in a twinkle of an eye, his cry of despair changes into a song of praise and freedom, song of deliverance, he has found answer to his question and he said, “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”—Romans 7:25. He once believed like any man, that he can obtain deliverance from sin by doing something himself, he thought that if he does nothing, nothing will happen, as many christians are trying to play a part in their justification before God and acceptance to Him by their doing of the precept of men and religions dogmas in churches, because Pastors are telling them that faith without work is dead to move and stir them up to be paying man-made money tithe, sowing money seed and others, but this is not applicable to salvation, justification and our acceptance to God. The scripture said in Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”. Concerning overcoming sin and sins, it is faith only in the work Jesus Christ did for us, not our work. And our ignorance of the truth about God’s Word limits us as believers, even our fear and unbelief also limit us. But that is not the case here for Paul’s deliverance.

Paul got his deliverance when he wholly yielded to the only One (Jesus Christ) who can break the stronghold of sin and sins free our lives, He who is able to deliver and to save all those who come unto Him and trust in Him. The Revelation he saw was that Jesus Christ is the answer or anti-dote to his sin and sins. Jesus Christ said in John 19:30, “It is finished.” The work of our salvation, deliverance, forgiveness, acceptance unto God, sanctification, justification, access into God’s presence, and boldness in God’s presence have been settled by His precioous blood and His death on the cross of Calvary, but many Christians because of their ignorance will want to still play a part in what their parts are not needed but just for them to trust in what has been done for us through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ death and blood has settled everything that hinders our deliverance, all our curses and debts has been blotted by His blood He shed for our sins, whenever we need any of these works listed above done by the cross of Christ, we can only find answer or solution in looking unto Jesus Christ the doer not ourselves. We don’t play any part in what God has done for us, with us, and in us, through Jesus Christ. We were in Jesus Christ when He died and resurrected. You don’t need to feel it but just believe because God who put us in Him (See 1 Corinthians 1:30) told us the truth because He can never lie.

The cross of Jesus Christ is the only answer for all the problems of sin and sins. When we believed in His work He did on the cross then we have our deliverance, forgiveness, and others. His Spirit is the conquering Spirit that helps us to do all things that glorifies God. And it is written, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”—Philippians 2:13. Christ is the only answer that can answer all our questions. God substituted Christ for the wages of our sins, and substituted us for the gift of eternal life which is Jesus Christ (See John 3:16, Romans 6:23). Only the Spirit of Jesus Christ can quicken our mortal bodies to serve the living God (See Romans 8:11), except Jesus Christ do it for us, none of us can, remembered His word, “…Without me (Christ) ye can do nothing.”—John 15:5. You won’t be delivered from your sin and sins without believing, Trusting, Leaning, and Looking to the cross of Jesus Christ, where all works for our solutions or answers where done and declared finished. Believe it or not rejecting Jesus Christ and His works will only compound your miseries in search for an answer to your problems and if you die in it, hell fire will be your wages. The only works acceptable to God is the works of Jesus Christ done on the cross and that is the work we can present to God as our strong reason for asking God for solutions to our problems. We can’t run away from this truth as believers in Christ. It is written, “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.”—2 Corinthians 13:8.

The cross of Jesus Christ: No antidote for sin, save only the cross of Jesus Christ. We must believe in His work of the cross, His blood shed for us and total acceptance and reliance on Christ, His cross and blood, this guarantee us absolute deliverance from sin and sins. The cross of Christ doesn’t eradicate sin from this world neither do His blood, but guarantee us a life above sin and sins, untainted and unerring life, even a rapturable life. We need the cross of Christ and His precious blood so much because we have a body of sin, a body that actively engage in sin and sins, displeases and provoke God. This body of sin can only be permanently put off from us at death (physical), but the cross of Christ help us to terminate or abort its mission objectives against us and breaking us free from its enslaving tentacle that makes us serve sin. The body of sin we have constitute problems for us by providing us a body of death. A body of death is the constant hindrance our body of sin produce to prevent us from doing God’s will, living a holy life, and it makes us wholly or partially negative to all that glorifies, honours, pleases God, and bring him pleasures. We need to get rid of this body of death, if only we can trust in the cross of Christ and His precious blood. The cross of Christ being the antidote of sin goes straight to the root of the problem of sin which produces sins, while the blood of Jesus Christ dealt with the sins. Our sinful nature produces sins in us, and it is the sinful factory where sins are produced. Sin and sins is like a factory and its products, you can’t destroy the products completely by not destroying the factory. To bring an end to the products of the factory, the factory producing the products must be destroyed, or closed up. Sin and sins is like opening a tap and the water is running out of the tap, and one is looking for a mop to mop or dry up the water running out from the tap. You will labour in vain in trying to dry up the water from the tap without locking the tap first. It is only when you lock the tap first before you can succeed in drying up the water. The cross of Jesus Christ did not try to stop sins, but destroyed the sin that produces sins. God’s work is always perfect in that He doesn’t do half work but always finish it. Jesus Christ echoed the truth, “It is finished (done, completed, and perfected).” John 19:30.

Dearly beloved, It’s written, “For the wages of sin is death…”—Romans 6:23. This death is physical and spiritual, earthly and eternal. Continue swimming, lingering, and wallowing in sin and sins if it seems good to you, but the end is your choice, eternal damnation. Jesus Christ is warning you to genuinely repent from any secret and open sins you are living in, before your end of days which can be any day or anytime may come. Repent and be converted (See Acts 3:19). Share with your friends. Shalom!



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