Topic: THE ANTIDOTE OF SINS 2 – – 25 August 2022 -

Topic: THE ANTIDOTE OF SINS 1 – – 25 August  2022

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This new heart thoughts are written in Philippians 4:8; 2:5, having it minimizes sins in our lives from 100% to 5%, and that 5% will always be there to remind us that we are still human and on earth which is full of imperfection. Only in heaven we can be found 100% because there all that is of Christ totally filled us from the bottom to the brim. With this truth you can see why we can never cease to pray for forgiveness as long as we are alive, and why we will always need the blood of Jesus Christ for continual cleansing and purging of our consciences from dead works and thoughts. Whether we commit sins or not, that can’t stop us from praying for forgiveness, and if God open your eyes to many things you and many Pastors will never think or believe to be sins; I tell you, you will weep and wail to find out that you are ten thousand times worse than your preconceived notions about sins. And even every moment you will be praying for forgiveness of your sins. Many Christians are not conscious of sins neither do they know what are sins and not because this is an area many Pastors don’t step into when they are preaching neither will they lay emphasis on the issues of sins. Now we shall look at the problems of our sins and what the blood of Jesus Christ means to us.

The problem of sins: We know sin is the corrupting seed of the devil planted in man, and ever since this seed was sown into the first man called Adam, it has brought much more fruits in man upon the earth called sins. Sins are the fruits of sin. There are many problems of sins but the ones we will talk about here are fundamental for your knowledge because they are what we can’t deny because they are in many of us inspite of the years we have been in the church and hearing God’s Word.

Guilt (Satan’s accusations): Sins gives us guilty conscience and make us unrest, it steal from us peace and acceptance before God. I know sins some people are committing no longer trouble some people because they have seem it as a problem that cannot be solved. For some they believe it is their fate to live in sins, and others have to accept it as a normal thing, and to some no cause for alarm. For the unscrupulous, they have their conscience seared with hot iron, they don’t care neither do they feel any remorse or guilt for their sins. These people live and do as they want, they can swim, wallow, and mesmerize themselves in sins and never feel any guilt. But for the scrupulous, they feel guilt, whenever they sinned. Their sins troubled them and make them weary because they know it is what God hates and that any man who claim to know God or Christ must not have pleasures in sins (See 2Timothy 2:19). They show remorse for their sins and will begin to seek God for forgiveness of their sins. We feel guilt whenever we sin because we know it is against God’s will and desire for us. God want us to be holy even as He is Holy. Our guilt is a sign that we have crossed the line God told us not to cross. And this guilt (Satan’s accusations) has many things attached to it and we will look at them one by one as the problems of sins. So guilt can be defined as awaken consciousness to the fact about doing wrong thing or things. Guilt is the fact of having committed a breach of conduct especially violating law and involving a penalty. It’s the state of one who has committed an offense especially consciously. Guilt is best described by the scenario in Eden, when Adam and Eve lost their consciousness of God’s warning not to eat the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and of evil. Their consciousness was dead, but awakens after they have eaten the fruit (See Genesis 3:1-7). They were awakening to the fact that God told or warned them never to eat the fruit, and the scripture said, “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew they were naked.”—Genesis 3:7. No man or woman was there order than both of them, still they were ashamed because they were naked spiritually and physically, Satan’s accusations (guilt) covered them. Their awaken consciousness opened their eyes and brains to realization that they have crossed the line God warned them never to cross. Their sins naked them and opened them to the negativities of sin and sins. They felt the guilt (self condemnation) which made them hid themselves from the face of God. Some sins are so messing that we can’t face the shame and we can hide from man but not from God. (See Job 34:21).

Also Read: Open Heaven 25 August  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – Topic: PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING 

Shame: Guilt lead to shame, the scripture showed us this truth in Genesis 3:7 and the shame that sins brings upon us are physical and spiritual. The physical shame is that the eye of men sees us in some sins, especially when we are caught in the very act like the adulterous woman brought to Jesus Christ (See John 8:4). You may have been stealing and having it well, then one day you were caught in the very act and all people in that environment came out to see the thief, what an open shame sin has brought upon such person. Stealing here and there and you are not caught and you then began to believe it’s no longer sin, even though the eighth commandment says, “Thou shalt not steal.”—Exodus 20:15. You don’t feel guilt anymore for stealing because you have not been caught, but the day you are caught, guilt and shame will cover you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. And this is some of the problems of sins. The spiritual shame is what Adam and Eve experienced and many of us with conscience have experience this shame and we all can’t deny it. Nobody or human saw us doing such thing or committing that sin, but after we have done it or committed it, our eyes are opened, guilty conscience wear us, and God’s peace depart from us, because the accuser of the brethren has arrived, and we become naked spiritually. Though nobody saw us but we are ashamed because something within us (the accuser) told us people are watching us or someone is watching us. But we never saw anybody but weary of being exposed physically to people’s notice. Such is a spiritual shame, because Satan, his demons, God and His angels are watching us, that is why we are ashamed because invisible forces are watching us, though we are cloth, yet we felt naked. Just think of that sin you committed behind human eyes that brought you spiritual shame, and repent from it. It is written, “For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings. There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.”—Job 34:21-22.

Nakedness: Sins brings guilt, shame, nakedness and others. When sin naked us, we become vulnerable spiritually more than that of the physical. You will see other things nakedness brings or constitute when we sin. Adam and Eve eyes being opened is a result of guilt, nakedness was the next thing they saw, shame wear them, and they covered themselves and hide from God’s face. The problems of sins are not what we can hide from God, because He has the antidote to it. Sins naked us spiritually like nothing else, and after it naked us, Satan takes control from there because we have strayed from God’s protection covering us, showing us the wrong solution so that we can add more sins to sins. Example, after you tell somebody lies, you need to keep telling more lies to cover you from being found a liar. When sins naked us, we become exposed to Satan’s manipulations of different things. It was Satan’s accusation that told Adam and Eve that they are naked, and after that he told them to cover themselves by fig leaves. But does that hide them from God’s knowledge of what they have done? The nakedness sins bring upon us gives or provide the ground for Satan to manipulate us to add sins to sins. God who is always warning us to steer clear from sins and whatever beset us to sin, knows the truth about sins more than us. That spiritual nakedness that sins brings upon us is the most virulent thing about sins it exposes us to the serpent (the devil) bite (misleading and manipulations). We may not feel naked physically, but then spiritually we are naked, sins always naked us. It naked us to the fiery darts of the wicked and give us broken hedge. When we sin we are digging pits spiritual for ourselves to fall into, and it is written, “He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.”—Ecclesiastes 10:8. This is what sin does to man, and it is of the Lord’s mercies we all are not consumed (See Lamentations 3:22), because if God is to mark our iniquity, no flesh will stand or be alive (See Psalms 130:3-4). Sins gives us spiritual nakedness.

Dearly beloved, It’s written, “For the wages of sin is death…”—Romans 6:23. This death is physical and spiritual, earthly and eternal. Continue swimming, lingering, and wallowing in sin and sins if it seems good to you, but the end is your choice, eternal damnation. Jesus Christ is warning you to genuinely repent from any secret and open sins you are living in, before your end of days which can be any day or anytime may come. Repent and be converted (See Acts 3:19). Share with your friends. Shalom!



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