Topic: The Authority of Christ over Satan  [Tony Evans Ministry 27 July 2020]

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The Authority of Christ over Satan

Scripture Reading: 1 John 5  

The Bible says that God tempts no man to sin (James 1:13).  Whenever you sin, don’t blame God.  God never tempts us, but He does tests us.  Do you understand the difference?

Testing is designed to validate your victory in Christ.  Temptation is Satan’s attempt to defeat you spiritually.  Ironically, the test and the temptation can be the same event.  God can use something – a circumstance, a situation, a problem – that is a test.  Yet Satan is using it as a temptation.

Your response can be a testimony to God’s power, so Satan works to discredit your testimony in an effort to dishonor God.  Our heavenly Father wants to know whether your “amen” on Sunday works on Monday, and Satan wants you to leave the sermon at the church. Remember Christ has ALL authority over Satan, so you can win every time.

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