Topic: THE BEAUTIES OF THE TRUTH – September 2019

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Dearly beloved, from all that I have been speaking of the truth from January till now, the truth is what every man on earth need; He is the fullness of all things, Godhead bodily (See Colossians 2:9). He is everything and beside Him there is no other that love mankind as He does. The truth is infinite in scope, eternal in duration, infallible in authority, supernatural in nature, universal in application, irrevocable in word and insurmountable in deeds. Talking about the beauties of the truth, the ones above said it all, only the truth has all these beauties, no other gods or powers, or persons have these beauties. This is why He is the all in all (See Colossians 1:16-19). There are no words good enough to describe the beauties of the truth, you need to know the truth and you will see and feel all His beauties. Every person that knows the truth truly can’t explain His beauties, they see Him inside themselves, they feel Him, and they know the unspeakable peace, joy, and contentment He gives them. All those seeking for worldly materials before they can seek for the beauties of the truth never really know Him. He can cloth us, feed us, and protect and provide for us physically and spiritually. The truth doesn’t assured or promised anyone He will give you the whole world, makes you a billionaire or millionaire if you know Him. You don’t need materials riches or glories to prove you have Him in your life, but your words and deeds are needed to know if you know the truth; and your life style is also a good measure to prove if you really know Him as you professed.

The beauties of the truth are living panorama every living that has breath ought to know. Describing the beauties of the truth can make anybody who knows Him faint because it is hard to describe, you can’t know where to start and where to end because the truth is infinite in scope and unfathomable, it is what you can understand better when He is in your life but you can’t explain it like every other persons that know Him. Let us take a look at some of the beauties of the truth. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”—-John 8:32.

Dearly beloved, one of the beauties in everything including man can be measured because they have limited ranges, but the truth is infinite in scope, no man can measure Him because He is immeasurable. He has no limitation in scope even in all things about Him. The scripture said, “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” And in Job 11:7, “Canst thou by searching find out God? Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?” In scope the truth is infinite and this is why everything in Heaven and earth consist of Him, look up to Heaven where can you find His size, and look down to Hell where can you find His size, look to your left and to your right find Him what His size is. No man on earth can find the truth and all His ways, He is higher than heavens and deeper than Hell, tell me who can find the scope of the truth? Nobody! No not one. I don’t talk about what I don’t know. In one of my divine visitations to heaven as a child from the age of 7 to 12, Christ was only showing me glorious and heavenly things I don’t understand neither can I tell anybody, but between my 13 and 14 year, that was when He introduced Himself to me. After Jesus Christ had showed me many indescribable things, He brought me to the throne room, I can’t described things there, I was covered with a righteous robe, but not so until He brought me into His throne room. After walking through a passage of saints and angels with glorious faces and smiles, I found myself fall before the throne of God and my face couldn’t look into the glorious fountain of light.
He spoke to me with langauge I can’t utter but I know in my spirit what it means, it was introduction of Himself to me, saying, “I am Eternity, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Ancient of Days.” And after that a glorious hand came out from the throne and took me into the throne, putting me in His lap, but I couldn’t see from His waist upward because it was a fountain of glorious light, I saw my own body glowing like a jasper or crystal but glorious beyond my understanding. He took me to Indescribable journey of heavens of heaven and latter go down beyond description I couldn’t describe, but up above and down below to no ending because He told me, “I am Eternity”, that is, no Beginning and no ending. Infinite in scope. This is the truth He revealed to me to tell people about Himself, whether you believe or not, I am 100% sure of what I am talking about. I don’t need to go to pastoral College to know Him, many things He has showed may be hard for those who don’t know Him to believe. I am not special or important than anybody because of this and other things He has showed me, to know and tell the truth was why He allowed me see the great and deep things that are hard to believe or comprehend.

Dearly beloved, take note no man or anything has these beauties of the truth. The truth has no duration and this is why He is called eternal life and this life He has the power to give to anybody who know the truth, so that they can also have this life that knows no end. Man has duration of living on earth, but the truth is eternal in duration, and there is no time set on how long His existence should be. Apostle Paul described Him in Hebrews 7:3, as one without mother and father, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life. He is eternal in duration; it is the most mystifying thing about the truth. Everything has their root in Him but He has his root in nobody or nothing but in Himself. Before Heaven and earth came into existence He already was existing. The beginning and end of anything He created have an end, save only man, who though may die on earth but lives forever either in Heaven or Hell as the truth liveth.

Dearly beloved, It may be that you have not really know the true God, there are uncountable beauties of God we cannot number or list, but there are some things about God that mystify people such as some of His beauties listed here we are looking at. They are the truth about God and some scare people, and make them ask some rhetorical questions about God’s existence, I will tell you some things that scare and mystify you about God. Now, this beauty of God the truth, infallibility in authority was in great display in the days of Jesus Christ which really made many believe in God through Jesus Christ, and believed that Jesus Christ is really the Son of the living God. One of the most important reasons why we trust God is because of His infallibility in authority. God is a dependable dynamic Spirit void of any particle of sin, unrighteousness, error, and ungodliness. Everybody talks about perfection, but cannot attain that perfection when we don’t know the truth, walk and live in the truth. The truth Himself is the word we called perfection, perfection is also is Name. The truth has no error in words and in deeds, this is why He is also infallible and this shows why nothing happens by mistake or error or by chance or by probability as many assume. God doesn’t play dice with the universe and doesn’t do experiment with anything because of His infallibility in words and deeds. The truth is infallible in authority and this is one of His beauties that cemented His status as the Most High God. Every living, everything in Heaven above, earth, and earth below are subject unto Him (See Philippians 2:9-11; 1Peter 3:22).

In authority the truth is infallible, and these were displayed during Jesus Christ days on earth. Many marvelled, wonder, and amazed said, “What a word is this! For with authority and power he commanded the unclean spirits and they came out.”–Luke 4:36. Every power in existence is subject to the authority of the truth. His authority is above all authorities and He is infallible in it, when He speaks and does anything they are infallible. The infallibility of God in authority is also in all He does and we have seen and heard many things people commented at His infallibility in authority, in words and in deeds. Some of the things even all of these things underline the truth that He is unrivalled in everything, He doesn’t make mistakes. Of His infallibility in authority, the truth in Person forgives sins here on earth showing He has infallible authority. “But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith He to the sick of palsy,) arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.” –Matthew 9:6. He showed His infallibility in authority all throughout His days on earth. Some said, “What a word with power”, others said, “Never man spake like this”, and “It was never so seen in Israel.” In authority and power, He showed us the truth that can make us free, and all we have to do is to know the truth that the Son of man (Jesus Christ) hath power to forgive our sins both in Heaven and on earth. It is all about knowing the truth.

Dearly beloved, this is also one of the beautiful truths we have to know. I have rebuked many people in their assumptions about God in many ways. “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent” says, Numbers 23:19. The nature of man is the flesh which is the outermost part of man that enables him to communicate with the things of this world. But God gave man’s spirit that nature of the flesh as its habitation for a short time on earth. The flesh of man’s nature is finite in nature, and man cannot remain in this nature forever. But God’s nature is supernatural not like that of man which is natural. You do not even need a dictionary to know what is supernatural, it is very simple to know it from the Bible, and it is a nature above the natural. In Genesis 1:2, the scripture said, “And the Spirit of God (the truth).” “God is a Spirit”, says Jesus Christ in John 4:24, and in 2Corinthians 3:17, Apostle Paul said, “The Lord is that Spirit.” That God is a Spirit or the Spirit of God appeared in 128 times or more in the Bible. God has a nature which makes Him supernatural (that is above the natural), it is His Spirit, man has a spirit enveloped in the flesh but God has ever being a spirit, and there is a big difference between the natural and the supernatural, and the difference is super, which means invisible. Natural is visible, nobody have seen God in natural until He came down with the name Jesus Christ and with the tag of the Son of God. Jesus Christ is supernatural, visible and also invisible.

Many have argued that human have seen God in natural form since we said that Jesus Christ is also God, and Jesus Christ said whoever has seen Him has also seen the Father. Yes they saw God in God’s acceptable time they should see Him in the natural. Only those who saw Jesus Christ and believed in Him as the Son of the living God really have also seen the Father God, but it wasn’t so with those who do not believed in Him. People talk of appearance too much when it comes to seeing a person, but appearance doesn’t define a person as His Words or deeds can though there are hypocritical words and deeds but with respect to time nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. But what Jesus Christ wanted the Jews to know that you can’t know the father except you know Him first, this He first said in John 8:19, and later John 14:6. The spirit working in us defined who we are either of God or of Satan, but people try to tell who others are by their appearances and because of this many people refused to believe in Jesus Christ especially the Pharisees. The spirit in you, your words, and deeds always reveal you, but everybody cannot see this save only those who have discerning Spirit. Jesus Christ said, “Wherefore by their fruits, ye shall know them.” This is applicable in knowing anybody; the spirit working in people will always reveal them in their words and deeds. Your appearance can be a great deception, making you a hypocrite, but your words and deeds can reveal your hypocrisy. Man is of the nature called flesh and God is of the nature called Spirit, and there is always war between these two nature (See Galatians 5:17).
God is supernatural in nature, not only that but He is also the Father of spirits (See Hebrews 12:9). God supernatural nature is eternal life, and that is the nature Jesus Christ will give us on the day of rapture and true believers on the day of resurrection. This supernatural nature of God is what God want to give to all those who come unto Him through His Son Jesus Christ. Supernatural in nature is the nature of God and it is an eternal nature that God will give to all those who walk in the truth, live in the truth, and know the truth.

It is written, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” To know the truth is one thing, to accept the truth is another thing, to live, move, and have our being in the truth is another thing; the salvation of your soul from God’s wrath eternally can only be author by the truth you know, live, and have your being in Him. Give your life to Jesus Christ to RECEIVE HIS OWN. Don’t forget to repent and forsake your secret sins, worldly love and lusts. Share with your friends. Shalom!

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