Topic: The Beauty of a Virtuous Woman- 1  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 2 September   2022

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The Beauty of a Virtuous Woman- 1

Dear reader,

Welcome to this amazing month. This month, we shall be examining this interesting topic, titled The Beauty of a Virtuous Woman.

A virtuous woman is a woman who serves God with all of her heart, mind and soul. She seeks God’s will for her life and follows His ways. Physical beauty is a temporal thing in this race of life. In other words, a virtuous woman’s faith matters more than her face. This is not to downplay the place of looking attractive, but we must give more time and attention to inner beauty (Proverbs 31:30).

Many people feel women should not be given leadership positions or qualified for privileges. But they have forgotten that God made them male and female (Genesis 1:27). As stated in the scriptures, some women led their people to victory, saved generations, took leadership positions and saved their husbands from untimely death. Therefore, let us examine the life of women in the scriptures who overlooked their physical beauty and stood their grounds to making a positive difference in their age and time. 

  • Sarah. She was a mother of nations, and she supported her husband’s supposed foolish decision to go to a land that God directed them to (Genesis 12:5). She is a perfect example of submission, as she remarkably called her husband ‘Lord’ (1 Peter 3:6). She was able to control her husband’s household even in his absence and when he was present. Abraham had 318 trained servants, and this means she was feeding this huge number of people and seeing to their welfare. She also ensured that strangers were well taken care of.
  • Rebecca. She was self-sacrificing and this endeared her to the heart of Abraham’s servant who was on a search for his master’s son (Genesis 24:18). She was not seeking to be known, but her acts of service made her the chosen wife to Isaac (Genesis 24:44).
  • Ruth. She is an example of dedication and absolute confidence in God. She followed her mother-in-law after her husband’s death to a strange land and served the living God (Ruth 1:16). She was also hardworking; this was what Boaz noticed, and it drew his attention to her
  • Hannah. She is an example of a woman who remained focused and refused to shift grounds. She was a woman of prayer; she poured her heart out to God for a man-child and got her request (1 Sam. 1:13, 15).
  • Mary. She is the mother of Jesus, and she stood out among other ladies in her time. She is the symbol of purity and had absolute trust in God (Luke1:27, 38).
  • Zipporah. She is an example of a woman who is sensitive and obedient to God’s laws (Exodus 4:25).
  • Dorcas. A woman remembered her for her hospitality. She is altruistic and large-hearted (Acts 9:36).
  • Deborah. She wasa prophetess and a judge. She is the example of an amazing leader, and she gave true judgement; she had so many clients visiting her for advice (Judges 4:4-5).
  • Abigail. She is an example of a woman of wisdom. When she knew that her husband’s behaviour would lead to the destruction of her household, she acted wisely by pleading with King David (1 Samuel 25:18).
  • Priscilla. She was a strong helpmeet to her husband, especially in the area of ministry and vocation (Acts 18:3).

The above qualities and characters of these women and the results they obtained are worthy of emulation. It is necessary to receive grace from the throne of grace because all these cannot be achieved in a day. It takes an entire life of learning at the Master’s feet. Many women have been immersed in their careers and other roles and responsibilities are calling for their attention. They have also neglected the place of their relationship with God. No woman can function maximally in her area of assignment except with the help of God (1 Peter 2:9).

Therefore, if you have lost touch with God, you need to get back with Him because he alone can give you the help you need. If you want to surrender to Christ, please say this prayer of faith: Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner, and I cannot help myself. Forgive me of my sins and cleanse me with Your Precious Blood. Deliver me from sin and satan to serve the Living God. From today, Lord Jesus, I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Thank You Jesus for saving me! Now, I am Born Again.


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