Topic: The Best Gift [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 18 December 2020] -

Topic: The Best Gift [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 18 December 2020]

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The Best Gift

James 1:16-18

Our heavenly Father showers us with many good gifts, but the one that excels them all is His Son (John 3:16). The eternal Creator of all things wrapped Himself in human flesh to enter time and space as a baby. Although He appeared insignificant to the world, He was the best and most needed gift we have ever received.

Sin has ruined the human race, leaving us under God’s wrath and in a desperate condition. We need forgiveness of sins, deliverance from divine judgment, and the removal of our guilt. Jesus came to do all this for those of us who receive Him through faith.

But God’s gift of His Son doesn’t end there. When we trust in Christ for salvation, we become the Father’s beloved children, who will receive a glorious inheritance in heaven. And in the meantime He provides whatever we need for life and godliness.

Have you by faith received the gift of God’s Son, or have you kept Him as a baby in the manger, to be remembered only on Christmas? If you trust in Him today, you will enjoy the remarkable blessings that are found only in Christ.

Bible in One Year: Hebrews 4-6

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