Topic: THE BEST THINGS YOU CAN GIVE GOD PART 3 – – 19 August 2021

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  1. Our Hearts: Our hearts is another thing we can give God which God values and appreciate more than our money. Our heart is the center of all activities of our lives and whatever controls it is our lord, and our hearts can only be controlled by light or darkness, Christ or Satan.

Those who think they own their bodies are blinded by the ruler of their hearts, which is certainly Satan. So that they can never see any reason to present their bodies to God as living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God. Our hearts can work separately from our mouths, we can be righteous and light with our mouths, but unrighteous and dark in our actions and deeds. Hypocrisy has its root in our hearts and all manners of evil and abominable things one can ever think of have their roots or spring out from our hearts. This is the most important thing about us as human God want us to give Him so that He can take preeminent control over our hearts, but only few of us have completely given our hearts to Him. Why do God want our hearts? Beautiful question! Jesus Christ presented us some reasons which are, “…for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”—Matthew 12:34. And “for out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murder, adulteries, fornications, thief, false witness, blasphemies: these are things which defile a man.”—Matthew 15:19-20. Jeremiah the prophet showed us why. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it.”—Jeremiah 17:9. With all these filthy things in our hearts God can’t live in it, with these filthy things in our hearts, God is not the ruler but Satan, and we can’t please God, but Satan because all these filthy things generated by our hearts are dead works that keep us apart from God who doesn’t identify with uncleanness and unrighteousness. No detergent can clean the filthiness of a man’s heart, but only God has the detergent that can cleanse it, and that is the blood of Jesus Christ. God want our hearts given to Him so that He can wash it, cleanse it, and uproot all the root from where all evil thoughts emanates. God want to crucify our hearts so that it becomes obedient to Him and not rebelling. We don’t know the deceitfulness of our hearts but God knows it, this is why He want us to give Him our hearts, so that He can searched and tried them by His Word (See 1 Chronicle 28:9; 29:17; Psalm 44:21; 139:23; Jeremiah 12:3; Revelation 2:23). God want our hearts because our hearts are blinded by the love, cares, funs, and pleasures of this world not to see the judgment of God that may befall us for not giving our hearts to Him.

God want to open the eyes of our hearts that we might see Him, know Him, and draw near Him (See 1 Thessalonians 3:13; Psalm 27:14; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4,6; Ephesians 4:18). Except God open the eyes of our hearts, we can never understand anything about God, His will for us, His thought for us, His love and desire for us (See Ephesians 1:17-18). In Joel 2:13, God gave us a clarion call to rend our hearts to Him not our garments (money). Many Pastors’ because of their personal interest laid uncanny emphasis on rendering of garments (money) rather than your heart to God. The love of money is an overwhelming force that lead them to seek for their personal interests more than God’s interests, yet they appear to many Christians that these Pastors’ are seeking for God’s interests , whereas their own. Every Christian is oblige to give God his or her heart, body, and time, these three things we are to offer to God on daily basis, but many are not conscious of it but rather the offerings of Pastors’ that pleases them rather than God’s desire offerings. The fact that money is a god in this world and inside the Church, shouldn’t make it a god over God in our lives and hearts.

Because God doesn’t need money to be happy nor pleased like the Pastors’, but your time, body, and heart, and all these made up your life. Giving God your life is more than a word of confession and Church going service once or twice a week. To give God your life means that your are saying LORD, take preeminence or absolute control over my time, body, and heart. God knows how wicked, deadly, ugly, and stony the heart of man is and He promised to give us a new heart and that He has done through the death of His son Jesus Christ, by shedding His blood to atone our sins, justify us from His wrath, and reconciled us to Him with a covenant of peace and restoration with us. God said in Jeremiah 24:7, “And I will give them an HEART to know ME that I am the LORD.” Also see chapter 32:39 of the book of Jeremiah and of Ezekiel see chapter 11:19; 36:26. But this new heart is only given to all those who accepted the offering that God offered for our sins, that is, His Son Jesus Christ. The new heart lies in accepting Him as our Lord and Saviour not only in word but also in actions and deeds. Your heart is the highest place in your life, and you have to place God there by wholly submitting your body, spirit, and soul to Him for Him to take preeminence over them. Many people are giving money assuming it speaks better things for them before God, but it is through the precept of men, and they are really ignorant of the things God want from them, because little or no emphasis are laid on them.

Your money I said before will count as love of God when it is used for the services of the poor and needy brethren around you, not in tithes and offerings. Every good deeds has a blessing whether it’s done by the Sinners or the Righteous, man-made money tithe and offering are not the gateway to blessings, but obedience to God’s Word in all things and doing good deeds in all things, ways, and at all time. You might not believed because you have been conformed to the man-made money tithe and offerings and Jesus Christ told me, people lusts for things of this world and materials and financial blessings are the reasons they are paying man-made money tithe and offerings not because of the love for Him nor because they know the truth about what they are paying. Even if you don’t believe me neither am I trying to convince or persuade you to believe me, but I am 100% sure I am telling you the truth. Your giving of money only in tithes and offerings is a selfish giving and it’s because of your personal interests of what you hope to receive in return. Such giving has no bearing on God, you are just obeying Galatians 6:7, but the giving you give to the poor and needy around you has bearing on God and such giving can even grant you eternal life (Just See Matthew 25:31-41) having already surrender all to Jesus Christ. With such giving added with the giving of your body, time, and heart can set you on high before God and make God give the lives of men for you. They are the acceptable and holy offerings God want from everyone of His own not just money, money, and money, in which many of them are gotten through dubious means and God knows it. Giving God your time, body, and heart, I said is giving God your life. Now I say, are you ready to give God your life through Jesus Christ? For those Christians who assume that going to Church means they have given their lives to God and yet they are still swimming, lingering, and wallowing in sins and uncleanness, hear the truth and obey it. Your life is made up of your time, body, and heart.
If God is not in charge over these three things in your life, you should be ashamed as a Christian, and I speak this to your shame if God is not in charge. In 2005-2007 many Christians were singing this song;

Lord I give you my life..
Lord I give my soul..
Lord I be for you, O Lord..
Every step that I take..
Every movement I made..
Lord, have your ways in me..

Yet they don’t know what it means, they were only enjoying the song because many of them, but they hate the truth and reality of giving God their lives. Giving God your time, body, and heart is the most pleasing offering we can give God, unfortunately many Christians don’t see these reasonable services. No other offering edify and sanctify like the offerings of your time, body, and heart to God. I know many Christians reading this book will get mad at the truth they have found that revealed their darkness and slain them. My critics will defend themselves to maintain their pride, but I am not the author of this book, and it is not about me, but the Lord Jesus Christ is the author and all about Him who is the truth. He is the one weeping always for His people because they don’t know what they are always doing, saying, preaching, and practicing as His children. “Money is a god inside My Church”, and “the Church is sinking because of money” are the word of Lord Jesus Christ that made tears run down my eyes like rivers of waters. “But Jesus turning unto to them said, daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.”—Luke 23:28. Many of us for the years we have been learning, going to Church, and carrying the Bible have not come to the knowledge of the truth of what God’s will is, plans, and thought for us and His Church, His desire and expectation from us. Shed tears for yourself or weep for yourself. Not until you know the truth, do not stop learning and never stop weeping.

Get prepared for that great day, not of judgment, but of rapture of the Church of Christ. Only knowing the truth can prepared you for this event which is inevitable and unavoidable. To avoid weeping and wailing which is the aftermath of rapture, surrender now to Jesus Christ your body, spirit, and soul, this do in truth and spirit, in word and in deeds. Heaven is rejoicing because the hour is nigh for the rapture of the Church of Christ. Money can’t rapture you, but denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, living soberly, godly, and righteously in this present world may see you raptured. Money is not just a god inside the Church but also a god in this world. Money is important but not important than our salvation, sanctification, holiness, righteousness, godliness, and all that glorifies God such as your body, time, and your heart, when they are given to God in truth and spirit. Jesus Christ finally said, “Tell My Church, My children, My people, that if they let the things of this world overtake them from My love, at last they may hear Me saying, depart from Me, I know you not.” This warning has been my sung, learn it and sing it always, be awaken and conscious of your eternal destination.

If I let things of this world..
Overtake me from God’s love..
At last, I may hear Him saying..
Depart from Me, I know you not (3x)…

I pray that we do not heart Jesus Christ tell us such damning word “Depart from me, I know you not.” For this not to happen, we must repent of our sins now, and must awake from our slumbering, keep and obey His Word, live soberly, godly, and righteously, in this present world. God said, “Hear ye him (Jesus Christ)”—Matthew 17:5. Shalom!

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have it. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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