Topic: The Blessing and the Burden [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 22 December 2021]

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The Blessing and the Burden

Dec 22, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Luke 1:28, NKJVThe angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!”

Also Read: Open Heaven 22 December 2021 –Topic: GOOD SUCCESS vs BAD SUCCESS 

Today’s Word

Mary was told she would give birth to the Savior of the world. You can’t get any more favored than that. But with that blessing came a burden. She was favored but misunderstood. Favored but ridiculed. Favored but controversial. People whispered, “She got pregnant before her wedding.” On one hand, she’s excited and can hardly believe the blessing. On the other hand, she must tell Joseph and face having her heart broken.

Sometimes God will ask us to do things that are difficult. It would be much easier to stay in our comfort zone and not rock the boat. But God loves you too much to let you miss your destiny. He’s saying, “You’ve been highly favored. I’m going to take you where you’ve never dreamed and open doors that you couldn’t open.” You can handle the blessing, but can you handle the burden? Do as Mary did and keep the right attitude, knowing that the difficulty is part of the package. Focus on the blessing not the burden.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for the favor You have put on my life and every blessing that I could never deserve. Thank You that You are taking me on a journey of faith that is beyond my dreams. Help me to focus on the blessings and to handle the burdens with Your grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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