Topic: The Christmas when no one was home – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 4 December 2019]

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December 4, 2019

“It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners…” – 1 Timothy 1:15a 

Home for Christmas. There is something about this holiday that sets it apart. When we think of Christmas, we think of home, don’t we?

On that very first Christmas, not one of the people involved was at home. Mary and Joseph had left their home in Galilee to travel to Bethlehem for taxation purposes. The shepherds were out on the hillside protecting their sheep. And the Wise Men were a long way from home as they followed that supernatural star that was guiding them to the Christ Child.

And Jesus Himself. He left Heaven and came all the way to earth to become Emmanuel – God with us!

Have you invited Jesus to your home this Christmas? Keep Him at the center of your celebrations this year and welcome Him into your life, your family – and your home.

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