Topic: The Confidence of Stewardship [Tony Evans Ministry 24 March 2020]

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In His Presence: Mark 11:22  

Being confident in stewardship is fundamentally an issue of faith. Faith relates to all of life. The definition of faith is “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Faith accepts that what God has said is as good as done. Faith lays claim on and stakes its existence on the person and purposes of God. Faith functions in the present, based on what God has said about the future.

In Matthew 13:58, we see “He did not do amny miracles there because of their unbelief.” And without faith, there is substance that God has for you in the invisible realm that you will never see in the visible realm. Faith is a way of living: “The righteous man shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17).

Faith is powerful. Jesus said that whoever had faith the size of a mustard seed could move a mountain into the sea. The power of faith is not based on you or how much faith you have, it is based simply upon who God is. Your faith is as big as the God you believe in. If we focus on Him as the object of our faith, our faith will grow. The power of faith is serious for a godly steward because he or she is confident in the power of God. Luke 16:11 tells us that if we are faithful in the use of money, God will entrust “true riches” to us, meaning spiritual riches that are worth far more than worldly goods.

One Minute Please

If God can’t trust you with earthly money, why should He trust you with kingdom riches?

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