Topic: The Consequences of Unbelief [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 25 September 2021] -

Topic: The Consequences of Unbelief [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 25 September 2021]

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The Consequences of Unbelief

  • SEPTEMBER 25, 2021

Daily In Touch Devotion SATURDAY25

John 3:16-21

Many people think that rejecting Jesus is a choice without consequences. Although they don’t mind others following the Lord, they seem to be doing just fine without Him. However, they fail to consider both the present and eternal consequences of their unbelief.

Since God’s judgment is often seen as a future event, the urgency of salvation may be lost on people who want to enjoy the pleasures of earthly life and feel no need for a Savior. But Jesus said those who do not believe in Him have been judged already because they love darkness and don’t want their sins exposed by His light. In other words, they love their sin and are unwilling to turn from it. Living this way seems comfortable and allows them to rule their own life according to their desires.

There are also those who claim to believe in Jesus while still loving their sins and trying to hide them from His light. But attempts to have it both ways won’t work, and such people remain in darkness.

The pleasures of sin, however, are temporary (Heb. 11:25). The wise are those who truly believe and are eager to come to the light; they want nothing more to do with a godless lifestyle. Remember, it’s never too late to come to the Lord.

Bible in One Year: Micah 5-7

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