Topic: The Danger Of A Doubled-Faced Life [Seeds of Destiny 10 December 2019 Devotional] by Pastor Paul Enenche

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You cannot fit into the lifestyle of the world and fit into God’s Kingdom at the same time. You cannot hold on to your ways and do God’s will.

SCRIPTURE: They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence… So, they were captured… 2 Kings 17:33, 2 Kings 18:10b

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You cannot fit into the lifestyle of the world and fit into God’s Kingdom at the same time. You cannot hold on to your ways and do God’s will.

From our anchor Scripture above we see one striking thing, a paradoxical situation: ‘They feared the LORD, and served their own gods…’ (2 Kings 17:33). What a contrast! That statement is both conflicting and contradictory; it is absolutely paradoxical. How could the children of Israel claimed they feared God and still be serving other gods? This is called a double-faced lifestyle or having two faces! No wonder they had the protracted captivity that imparted on them unimaginable adversity to correct their mentality.

Also Read: Open Heaven 10 December 2019 – Civil Litigation as a Last Resort

Regrettably, most Christians today have two faces; one face is of the church and another face is of the world; they are half Egyptians and half Israelites. They attend church, work for God, speak the language of the church, yet their lifestyles and manners represent the world. They lift their hands in church in the worship of God, but in their offices, they use the same hand to sign documents that are fake or fraudulent just to be promoted or to have undue financial benefits. That promotion is not a promotion but a demotion and deterioration. Such money is a curse and not a blessing.

Beloved, you cannot fit into the lifestyle of the world and fit into God’s Kingdom at the same time. You cannot hold on to your ways and do God’s will.

Thus, the mixture of the fear of God and the serving of other gods which is a double-faced lifestyle has no future but destruction.

But you shall not be a victim, in Jesus’ Name.

REMEMBER THIS: You cannot fit into the lifestyle of the world and fit into God’s Kingdom at the same time. You cannot hold on to your ways and do God’s will.


  1. By all means, be sincere. Be a true Christian because if you are not a real Christian you know and people know.
  2. Reflect on the way you are living and repent of any area you have lived a double-faced lifestyle
  3. Disconnect from the man or woman (unholy relationship) that can cause you to live a life of hypocrisy.

For Further Understanding, Get This Message: The Tragedy of Double Standard Existence.

PRAYER: Lord, I refuse to live a hypocritical lifestyle. Lead me away from those things that keep me from You; separate me from the things that hinder me from being a real Christian, Lord in Jesus’ Name.

DAILY READING: Amos 1:1 to 3:15, Revelation 2:1 to 17, Psalm 129:1 to 8, Proverbs 29:19 to 20

QUOTE: When God sees a person living a lie, and behaving a lie, when He sees hypocrisy, He hates it with a passion because He is the embodiment of truth. Culled from Who are You? by Dr Paul Enenche.

AMAZING FACT: The Sun is 109 times wider than the earth and 330,000 times as massive.

DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: The Power Communion Service tomorrow with your friends and loved ones for the preservation of your lives and destinies by 5:30pm at the Glory Dome. God bless you as you come

PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: The grace to be all God wants you to be is released upon you, in Jesus Name.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities

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