Topic: The Days of Elijah [David Jeremiah Ministry 19 August 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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The Days of Elijah

AUGUST 19, 2021

I alone am left a prophet of the Lord.
1 Kings 18:22

 Recommended Reading: 1 Kings 19:12-19

Even before the pandemic, surveys showed that a third of Americans over 45 were lonely. The percentages were higher among young adults. During COVID, the numbers became a global health crisis.

Loneliness is an epidemic, but it isn’t new. Elijah had an emotional breakdown in 1 Kings 19, and loneliness was a factor. He felt alone in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He had no one with whom to pray or talk, and no one on whom to lean. He was a solitary man, and it unnerved him. Yet God was with him and spoke to him in a “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12). The Lord fellowshipped with him and at the right time gave him a partner in ministry, a young man named Elisha (verse 19).

Perhaps when we feel most alone, we can best hear God’s still small voice. He talks with us and fellowships with us. In His timing, He will provide the human companionship we need. 

Tune your ears to the still small voice of His comforting Word, which still speaks as in the days of Elijah.

Only God can solve the problem of loneliness. He created us in such a way that we have an emptiness that can only be filled by an intimate relationship with Himself.
David Jeremiah


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Jeremiah 49

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