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Dearly beloved, all that you have been reading are effects of money in the Church and they are negatives because the demand for money by the Church is 70% for their personal interests not for God’s desired purpose or will, but the Church always present it to people in a subtle way because many Christians are ignorant of the truth, and hold high esteem for Pastors’ believing them to know all about God, but that is far from the truth. But this chapter is dedicated to talk about some effects of money inside the church you might have read before coming here, but more in details here. Money effects inside the Church are innumerable, but they are caused by the love of money both the spiritual and physical implications. The most dangerous problem of money inside the Church is what Jesus Christ is crying about is the false confidence, hope, and assurance it gives many Christians, because it is misleading many Christians, it put them in bondage, enslaves them, they look up to God through money they are giving in the man-made tithes and offerings not through the blood of Jesus Christ. And it keeps them from knowing the truth that will make them free. A god is something admired, adored, idolized, treasured, and highly esteemed by humans, it is something that has negative effects on people’s lives spiritually. No god has spiritual positive effects on mankind save the only God who is the God of gods. Any god is a misleading force misleading people from knowing the true God, depending, trusting, and surrendering totally to the faithful and true God. No god lead people to the true God nor make people worship Him, adore Him, serve Him, but they (gods) made people worship them instead of true God.

Wherever there is a god there is darkness in such places and people’s hearts are blinded from knowing the truth. No god is true and truth, neither are they light and knowledge, but they are opposite of these, though they may appear as angels of light (See 2Corinthians 11:14-15) to deceive the ignorant. And anywhere there is a god people are void of light and knowledge, they are in darkness and ignorant, and they can’t discern between light and darkness. All these things are in the Church because money is god inside the Church. Any god is not a friend of God but enemy, because they will strive to share praises and adoration meant for only the true God, and they are worldly and are of the world and the world love them, worship them, adore or idolize them. Money as a god inside the Church has brought many dead works inside the Churches and the effects of its presence in the Church is a virulent and detrimental one which has led many to the bottom of hell and will still lead many to it, it is not God’s will, it is not my prayer, but it is an inevitable thing. The effects of money inside the Church has 90% negativity upon the Church, I know many will never see it neither believe it except the LORD open the eyes of their hearts or understanding they won’t see it nor know it. Some have seen it and know it, but because they benefit from it they won’t see any wrong in it. But the All-seeing God can’t lie to me or anybody (See Numbers 23:19), but always show us tangible and intangible evidences both in His Word and outside His Word, it is left for you to believe it or forget it.

The seven point of emphasis the Lord Jesus Christ speak about concerning the effects of money and why it is a god inside the Church. I believe if you still haven’t got the message since you started reading this book, you have come to the point where even the most benumb person will even understand. Let us take a look at the effects of money inside the Church which are:

  1. The hearts of many Pastors’ are divided, diffused, and derailed: Money is not just only the root of all evil, but also the root of many Pastors’ backsliding, lying, handling God’s Word deceitfully, living and walking in hypocrisy. Money inside the Church as a god has brought down many ministers of God from grace to grass and from Heaven to Hell. Many Pastors’ are pursuing their worldly lusts or desires, the fact they are Pastors’ doesn’t crucify their earthly desires for earthly things and their seeking for materials comfort which is becoming the desire of all mankind in this nefarious and precarious time. The desire to serve God and achieve their earthly lusts have diffused, divided and derailed many of them. Jesus Christ said, His Word and disciples and Biblical characters are never examples the present day Churches and Pastors’ are looking to emulate, but they have created their own style from the system of the world and want others to follow them while they are not following His footstep and life style even that of His disciples and other Biblical characters.

He said, this world and the Churches, Pastors’, and Christians have lost the virtues of patience, some have traded it for fashions, lusts, and other worldly styles, methods, philosophies, traditions, vain deceit, pressure of the world, love for silver and gold. He said, He made Peter and other disciples of His a standard for all that are to walk in His foot step, style, and serve Him faithfully, with devotion, dedication, and commitment. He said, He told Peter and others to know they can’t serve Him and their lusts, earthly ambition, and pleasures at same time (cited Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13; James 4:4; 1John 2:15), they are not to lay treasures up for themselves here on earth but only in Heaven (cited Matthew 6:19), knowing the vanity of all things in this world, we should be contented having food and raiment (cited Matthew 6:34; 1 Timothy 6:6-8). He said, when He told Peter thrice to feed His sheep if he love Him, He was telling Peter also of three things he should do if will serve Him better, which are; putting away your personal interest and serve and live for my own interest, the reason I called you was not to serve yourself or belly but to feed my sheep both physically and spiritually Peter did just that, and don’t trade me for anything that interest you, pleases you, and satisfy you.

He said, many Pastors’ don’t see the truth of what He told Peter, and they are never ready to emulate Him and His disciples and other Biblical characters who preach and teach His Word in purity of their spirit not with mixture of their souls as it is common with the present days Pastors’. Jesus Christ said, “My work is a selfless service and all those who will serve me and please me, must render selfless service to My Father and their reward will be greater than their comprehension.” He said only few of His ministers are doing selfless service for Him and most of them are not Pastors’ but preachers of His Word outside the Church. Many Pastors’ are rewarding themselves, paying themselves for the work He has not employed them, their wages awaits them. The work of God is not a paid service, but a selfless service and it is done on people’s lives (His flocks and all mankind), not on Pastors’ bellies and their families. My beloved, Pastors’ are in for either good or bad, life or death, in their handling of God’s flocks which is the priority of their being called to serve, but money is diffusing, distracting, dividing, and derailing them. Those who are Pastors’ in local branches under denomination doesn’t have fat portion of money the Churches are generating for themselves using Christ flocks as their money generating machines. They lived by small or smaller portion they get from man-made money of offerings and tithes. Such Pastors’ have earthly desires and the token they are getting from the Church can’t help them to achieve their lusts, so they must look for a means to get their lusts fulfilled. Some seek for means to get money from Church members especially by telling lies, and others will add other works outside the Church in addition to their Pastor’s work.

In this case, many Pastors’ have turned into part-time Pastors’ so that they can combine other works to their Pastor works. And certainly they will be divided, distracted, diffused, and derailed because of their pursuit of two or more things. Some Pastors’ said it is the grace of God to do other works in addition to their Pastors’ work. I laugh; because that is a means to get more money to achieve their lusts by doing more than one work to achieve their earthly lusts, and that made them lack commitment, devotion, and dedication because of their quest to get more money to achieve their earthly lusts. Some of them are ready to force their congregation to give more fat offerings and tithes using Malachi 3:8-10, so that their own portions might get bigger. And in doing this, many Pastors’ tell lies, using God’s name, word, and works to extort God’s flocks to vomit money for them. Some of them distort God’s Word by misinterpreting it to get their lusts for money. Doing two or more jobs because of money will certainly divide your heart, and the love or lusts for money leads to doing two or more jobs. A Pastor quitted from being a full time to a part-time because of the peanut he was getting that can’t help him to achieve his earthly lusts. For many Pastors’ not working under any denomination but own their Church have lion share of the money they are getting from their congregation or generating money machines (God’s flocks). Many Pastors’ are uncrucified and not wholly consecrated, but Pastoral certification certified them for such works, not even God’s calling.

I know you might ask, if any Pastor is not doing any work, how can he earn a living? Is it a bad thing to be doing two or more works with pastoring? First, any Pastor collecting man-made money tithe from Christ flocks shouldn’t do any other work to avoid distraction and focus on the calling he said God called him. Those not collecting man-made money tithe can be doing other works to pastoring to earn a living, the state of our mind can be focus but it depends on if we have got it made up for Christ only. Two, it is not a bad thing to be doing two or more work as a pastor if you are not collecting money tithe and offering and if your denomination is not paying you. But it is darkness if they are paying you and you are collecting money tithes and offerings. When you are not focus you can’t be consecrated. I keep asking God, do living a sanctified life, holy and righteous life means that I must become a Pastor? And do being effective in Church services and activities means you have called people to become Pastors? God told me, go to 2 Timothy 2:19-21. And God said that the rituals and ordinances inside the Churches still made the Levitical laws mentality to cloud the mentality of grace and truth. All Pastors’ are not called by God, and are not consecrated to serve God but their bellies (See Romans 16:18), if you can’t be contented with the peanut you are getting from your Church, you should quit the work of Pastor and do another job. First God never force anybody to be a Pastor, He knows those He has chosen to do such service, they have godliness and content as their great virtues. People who are saying God called me, most of them are deceiving themselves or the people around them, most of them have no contentment, they are not committed, devoted, and steadfast in their walk with God, their lives and ministries are mark with inconsistencies, they are divided, distracted, derailed, and diffused because of money. Serving God selflessly is not their priority but their bellies and earthly ambitions are their priorities.

Dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” We all have sinned in one way or another because of money and the commonest means was by telling lies to get money. Don’t do any ungodly thing to get money, we know we can’t eat and drink without money, but don’t sin to have. Repent from all secret sins and works of darkness and yield completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with your friends. Shalom!


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