Topic: The Enemies of Obedience – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 6 November 2021] -

Topic: The Enemies of Obedience – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 6 November 2021]

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The Enemies of Obedience

November 6, 2021


And Saul said to David, “You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.” (1 Samuel 17:33)


When you get ready to live for God, you’re going to face enemies. You’re going to face those who are in despair. They’re going to be howling calamity. You’re going to face those with disdain. They’re going to be laughing at you. And you’re going to face those with discouragement who say, “It can’t be done.” You’re going to face the same thing little David faced. We all face it every day.

Also Read: Open Heaven 6 November 2021 – Topic: JEHOVAH NISSI

We must learn to close these people out and to get alone with God in the secret council halls of the Almighty. We must keep our eyes on God, or we’re going to lose the battle. Everyone around will say, “It can’t be done” or “You haven’t got what it takes to do it.” They laugh at you and ridicule you. I believe one of the reasons that David was mighty for God is that he spent time alone with God.

  • When have you faced opposition to your obedience to, and faith in, God?
  • How does your own mind speak in opposition at times?


Make a list of the ways you tell yourself that you can’t do what God has called you to do. Make a contrasting list of the promises of victory God has made to you.

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