Topic: The Everything God—God Is the God Over Everything Bad – [David Jeremiah Devotional 12 October 2019 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: The Everything God—God Is the God Over Everything Bad – [David Jeremiah Devotional 12 October 2019 | Turning Point Ministries]

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OCTOBER 12, 2019

You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.
Genesis 50:20

 Recommended Reading: Genesis 45:5; 50:20

When chess masters play, they sometimes take a long time between moves. Why? In part, because they are planning three, four, five, or more moves ahead. One might question why a master makes a particular move until he sees, later in the game, how that move set in motion a series of events that resulted in a win.

For example: God allowed a teenaged Joseph to boast self-centeredly. He then allowed Joseph’s brothers to sell him into slavery in Egypt. He allowed Joseph to be falsely accused and imprisoned. Then He allowed a Hebrew to become second in command of a pagan nation. Why? To prepare a safe harbor for Jacob’s family during a famine in Canaan. God even allowed Jacob’s family to be enslaved in Egypt so they could grow into a nation-sized body, God’s Chosen People. God was working many moves ahead in order to create a people for Himself.

If you don’t understand one of God’s moves in your life, be patient while you pray and wait for the purpose to be revealed.

God never foreordains an evil event without a good purpose.
John Frame

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