Topic: The Father’s Resources [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 28 August 2021]

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The Father’s Resources

  • AUGUST 28, 2021

Daily In Touch Devotion SATURDAY28

Luke 11:1-13

When you were a child, where did you go when you needed a snack, a bike repair, comfort for a skinned knee, or a referee for a dispute with a sibling? More than likely, you sought out your mom or dad or a trusted guardian, because God gave them the responsibility of caring for your needs.

But no human can parent perfectly, as all mankind is affected by brokenness. However, if you have trusted in Jesus Christ as your Savior, then you are a child of God. So when you pray, you’re bringing whatever’s on your mind to the heavenly Father, who always gives what it right and best.

How much do you truly rely on God for all your needs? When you are feeling lonely, rejected, or discouraged, is your first response to read His Word and pour out your heart to Him? Instead of worrying about financial struggles, do you ask for Jehovah Jirah (the God who provides) to give what you need? (See Gen. 22:14.) If you’re suffering from a health problem, do you cry out to Jehovah Rapha (the God who heals)? (See Ex. 15:26.) Since God the Father gave you the greatest gift of His Son, He will certainly give you everything else you need. So come and ask.

Bible in One Year: Ezekiel 4-6

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