Topic: THE FRUIT OF YOUR LIPS  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 2 December 2021

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“Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.”

-James 3:10-

As parents, we tend to be most concerned about the welfare of our children; how to provide for their needs, make sure their school fees are sorted and intact, their food and shelter is sure, etc. This experience of meeting their needs however sometimes may be so overwhelming, that you snap at them sometimes, or make certain statements that you really don’t mean.

Also Read: Open Heaven 2 December 2021 –Topic: THE CURE FOR SHAME 

Whatever the case may be, you must recognise that your words to them are full of power and have the capacity to either shape their lives or hamper it. Children get withdrawn, sad and sick a lot of times; not necessarily because of lack of care, but from the constant hearing of wrong and hateful words. You know, a child takes seriously what you say, whether you mean them or not.

This is why when a child keeps hearing the words “you are stupid,” “you will never amount to anything,” he or she takes it to be true, believes it, and begins to act like it. It affects his or her entire build up. Their morale drops and it seems like the world around them has crashed.

So, whenever you’re tempted to use negative words when angry, just take a deep breath and allow yourself some space. This will help you think through your next action for the best way to correct your child.

I know you love that child and want the best for him or her, but that would only come out when they are being fed with right words, from a heart of love and care. You are in the best position to ensure that your child(ren) prosper; so let your words reflect what you want to see in them. Control your mouth to ensure that only blessings proceed from them.

Remain Blessed!

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