Topic: The Garments We Wear: The Garments of Righteousness [David Jeremiah Devotional August 31 2019 | Turning Point Ministries]

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AUGUST 31, 2019

And to [the Bride of Christ] is was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
Revelation 19:8

 Recommended Reading: Isaiah 61:10

When Britain’s Queen Victoria married in 1840, she started a tradition that continues in the West to this day: the white wedding dress. As Queen, her choice started a trend which became a custom. Gradually, the white wedding gown came to symbolize fidelity and purity.

A grander wedding ceremony is coming: the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. The groom will be Christ Himself, and the Bride will be His Church. As the apostle John saw this scene in heaven, he saw that the Bride of Christ was dressed in “fine linen, clean and bright” which symbolized “the righteous acts of the saints.” No white wedding dress on earth can make a bride pure and righteous on her wedding day, but nothing less than clean, bright linen will do for the saints-made-holy when they meet the Lord Jesus Christ to be united forever.

Are you prepared for that day? Do you anticipate being made completely pure and righteous in heaven? Your garment of righteousness is waiting for you.

Our guilty spirits dread to meet the wrath of Heaven; but, in his righteousness arrayed, we see our sins forgiven.
Isaac Watts

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