Topic: The Gift of Eternal Life [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 10 June 2020]

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The Gift of Eternal Life

1 John 5:6-13

The Bible tells us that we are helpless to save ourselves. The only way to receive the gift of salvation is to agree with the testimony of Scripture: God the Father sent His Son to die on the cross to pay for our sins.
Jesus Christ paid in full the debt we owed for our transgressions (Isa. 53:5; Rom. 6:23). His gift of salvation is:

Freely Given. The guilt of our sin has been removed without cost to us. There is no act so vile that it is not covered by the cross of Christ, and there is no deed so good that could achieve salvation.

Fully Sufficient. Christ’s death paid for all sin—past, present, and future. Nothing is required of us except to believe in Jesus.

Forever Ours. Having received our salvation, we do not have to work to keep it. This precious gift is permanently ours, and it guarantees that we are irrevocably members of God’s family.

Our feelings do not determine whether we are saved or not; the only thing that matters is what God says—and what we believe. Have you put your faith in Jesus? If so, then according to God’s biblical promises and the Holy Spirit’s affirmation, you can know that eternal life is yours. Won’t you thank God today for this remarkable gift?

Bible in One Year: Job 39-42

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