Topic: The Grace of God [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 7 July 2020] -

Topic: The Grace of God [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 7 July 2020]

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The Grace of God

Romans 5:1-11

God’s grace is miraculous. It allows hearts to beat, bodies to heal, and love to be given, regardless of peoples’ opinions of Him. He offers forgiveness to the rebellious, freedom to sinners, and intimacy with Himself to all who trust Christ as Savior. God’s children can approach Him confidently because there is no condemnation for those who belong to Him (Rom. 8:1). What amazing grace!

But that’s not the way things always were. Israel, God’s chosen people, lived under the Law—not under grace. Like us, they were disobedient, so God established the sacrificial system to provide a symbolic way for their wrongdoing to be forgiven.

But since it was humanly impossible to obey every aspect of all 613 commandments God handed down through Moses, the Father graciously sent Jesus to fulfill the Law for us. Our Savior’s sinless life gives us permanent forgiveness because He died once for all sins (Heb. 7:27). The result is that we can approach God’s throne directly.

Believers stand upon the immovable foundation of God’s grace. It covers us like a canopy and surrounds like a protective wall. Let the truth of that sink into your heart and mind so you can become a vessel of the Lord’s love, kindness, and goodness to others.Bible in One Year: Psalm 145-150

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