Topic: THE GREATEST ACT OF LOVE – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 16 OCTOBER 2020

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“This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.” – 1 John 4:9 

October 16, 2020

Most romantic movies and comedies involve a grand romantic gesture. In The Notebook, Noah hung from a Ferris Wheel until Allie agreed to go on a date with him. Jack gave Rose his spot on a piece of floating debris, knowing it meant he’d drown in the movie Titanic. Jim gave up a big job in Philly to stay in Scranton with Pam in The Office

Love is clearly a very popular topic for writers. Maybe it’s because love is where ultimate meaning is found. But we are wrong to think we will find this type of love in another person. Ultimate meaning can not be found in the romantic type of love based on feelings and emotions. No matter how grand the gesture, love from a person will always fall short. 

The kind of love our hearts long for can only be found in God. If you want to understand the character trait that most exemplifies who God is—understand that God is love. And He displayed an act of love like no other. 

John tells us that God showed His love to us through His Son, Jesus. Because God is holy and perfect, we have to be holy and perfect to be made right with Him. On our own, this isn’t possible because we deserve death and eternal separation from God. So, in the greatest act of love in all of history, He sent His son Jesus who lived a perfect life and died a sacrificial death on our behalf. 

But the story doesn’t stop there. Jesus rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father. Because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we can be made right with God. We can be filled with God’s Spirit and one day live in eternal peace, joy, and security with Him. This is a grand gesture unlike any other!

Have you received this love? We pray that if you haven’t, then you would receive God’s ultimate love through faith in Jesus today. It is the greatest act of love in all of history. No other love story comes close!

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