Topic: The Greatest Gift [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 25 December 2021]

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The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift ever given was the sacrifice of Jesus, and all we must do is accept this free gift to live in joy forever with Him.

December 25, 2021

John 3:14-21

Even children understand that unless a present is opened and explored, its value will remain unknown. Yet many people don’t “unwrap” God’s gift of salvation through Jesus. So they don’t get to enjoy the treasures He bestows on His children.

When God the Son came to earth, He took on human flesh—a mystery known as the incarnation. Jesus was fully God and lived a sinless life, yet He was also fully human. Without Christ, our sin would eternally separate us from God. So the Savior took our iniquities upon Himself, enduring the death penalty in our place, and then He rose from the dead. In doing this, Jesus redeemed us and opened the door for eternal fellowship with the Father. 

Jesus’ sacrifice means that any who so choose can accept mercy instead of punishment. It is God’s free gift, which includes an eternal home in heaven. We will live forever with Christians from every nation and generation, and we’ll reunite with loved ones who have already died in the Lord. 

Also Read: Open Heaven 25 December 2021 – Topic: SAVED BY GRACE! 

Do you have a relationship with almighty God? Admit your need for forgiveness, and ask Christ to be your Savior. The gift is wrapped and ready, waiting for you to open and enjoy all God has given. 

Bible in One Year: 1 John 1-5

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