Topic: THE GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 20 March 2020 -

Topic: THE GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 20 March 2020

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“You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit!” – Acts 7: 51

March 20, 2020

I love history. In fact, one reason I love the Bible is because it’s the ultimate history book. It takes us all the way back to the beginning – to God’s creation. Then we learn about the fall of man and how sin entered the world. It helps us understand the root of all the evil we experience in our world today. But God doesn’t stop with a simple history lesson. God uses all the stories that follow: the lives of Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon and many others to communicate one cohesive love story for mankind, complete with love, sacrifice, forgiveness and redemption. This story illustrates God’s desire to rescue mankind from this broken world!

Too often, however, we miss the story completely. Blindly pursuing our own happiness and pleasure, we are far too easily wrapped up in the present moment. Oblivious to the past, we run blindly into the future. Just like ancient Israel in the Old Testament, we are rebellious, hot-tempered and so easily wrapped up in the present that we refuse to listen to the truth of God and His Word. That is how it was in ancient Israel – and that is still so many of us today.

God is calling out to us through His Word: “Don’t do this to yourselves! Don’t be so stubborn and hardhearted” (My Paraphrase). Don’t let your pride cause you to miss the greatest love story the world has ever known: God’s love for us through Jesus. It’s available to everyone, no matter our past sin, shame, and guilt. Stop running from the past and allow God to redeem it! Ask God to convict your heart of your sin and embrace the freedom of the greatest forgiveness, love and grace you will ever know.

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