Topic: “THE HOLY OF HOLIES” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 13 April 2020 -

Topic: “THE HOLY OF HOLIES” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 13 April 2020

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READ: Exodus 26:30-37; Exodus 29:32-46

… thou shalt kill the bullock before the LORD, by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.” – Exodus 29:11

It took me many years to understand the wonderful symbolism of the tabernacle. With time however, I found out that the Holy of Holies was considered to be the seat of God’s power, God’s anointing and God’s presence. Taking steps to the Holy of Holies was therefore the same as taking steps to God’s presence and God’s power.

A study of the tabernacle of Moses reveals that there was always a sacrifice to be made at the door of the tabernacle before the priest could progress to the Holy of Holies. A sacrifice had to be made right at the entrance of the tabernacle.

This position of the altar of sacrifice (at the door) signified that there was the need to first offer a sacrifice if you wanted to go deeper into the things of God. The Holy of Holies, the place of anointing and power, was the innermost room in the tabernacle. Without walking through the place of sacrifice, you could not come to this place of power and anointing.

This is why we need to bring the concept of sacrifice back to the house of the Lord. As we make sacrifices, we get nearer and nearer to the inner place of power and anointing. We are brought near to the anointing by the blood. It is the blood and the sacrifice that enables us to come near to the anointing! Without the sacrifice, without the pain and without the shedding of blood we cannot approach the Holy Place where the presence and power of God is.

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