Topic: The Humbling of Peter [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 14 November 2019]

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  • NOVEMBER 14, 2019

Luke 22:54-62

Peter’s pride in his own cleverness and strength got in the way of God’s purposes. Christ sought a servant-leader to guide believers after He returned to heaven. The former fisherman was an impulsive know-it-all, but the Lord saw through Peter’s arrogance to his potential. He knew that Peter’s humiliation in today’s passage would challenge and mature him.

When Jesus’ words conflicted with Peter’s opinions, the disciple boldly rebuked the Teacher (Matt. 16:21-23John 13:5-8). And Christ would respond with a pointed reprimand meant both to silence and to teach—sometimes in the presence of Peter’s peers.

Ultimately, the disciple made a mistake in an area where he’d once felt great confidence—his commitment to die for the Lord (Matt. 26:35). Instead, he denied Christ three times before the rooster crowed. This final humiliation, witnessed by a group of strangers, shattered his self-assurance.

Jesus chipped away at Peter’s pride for three years before the disciple gave up his notion that Christ was Israel’s grand deliverer from Roman oppression. Achieving glory ceased to matter when he chose to focus on the Lord’s plan for lasting personal salvation. And thanks to Peter’s newfound humility, God had a servant-leader (1 Pet. 5:5-6).

Are you hindering God’s work in your life? You may not be able to see it right now, but God isn’t afraid to reveal those areas for your good and His glory. The Lord humbled Peter and renewed him, and He will do the same for believers who yield to His will.

Bible in One Year: Acts 12-13

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