Topic: The importance of active leadership – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 3 April 2020 -

Topic: The importance of active leadership – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 3 April 2020

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April 3, 2020 by Dr. Jack Graham

  • TOPICLeadership

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

—2 Timothy 2:15

The famous Communist leader, Leon Trotsky, visited Chicago in 1915 and was invited to Sunday school at a local church. When he arrived at his classroom, the teacher was absent, and no one had stepped up to lead class that week. So there was no one there to share the Word of God with Leon Trotsky. 

As far as anyone knows, Trotsky never went back to Sunday school or church again. I wonder what could have happened if a faithful leader in that classroom would have been present that day, opened the Word of God, and shared the testimony of Jesus Christ with him. But there was no one.

What the Church and the world need today are people who will step up and be the spiritual leaders God has called them to be. We don’t need more passive, consumer-minded Christians. We have enough of those! We need leaders for Christ!

Don’t let laziness and passivity keep you from doing the work of ministry. Instead, be willing to step up and lead others for Christ. Share God’s love with those who need to hear it. And above all else, be obedient to the calling of God when He asks you to lead!


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