Topic: The Importance of Believing [Joyce Meyer Devotional 30 April 2021]

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…Did I not tell you and promise you that if you would believe and rely on Me, you would see the glory of God?— John 11:40 (NIV)

What we believe is our choice. God desires that we not only believe that He exists, but that we believe His Word. Trusting God to fulfill His promises will bring you into a state of rest. Those who have believed do enter the rest of God, according to Hebrews 4:3.

When I am frustrated, worried, fearful, or upset in any way, I can always trace the problem back to wrong believing. I keep a sign in my office that simply says “Believe.” It reminds me to examine my heart and mind and be sure that I am placing my trust in God at all times. Joy and peace are found in believing (see Romans 15:13).

Jesus said that if we would just believe, we would see His glory, which is the manifestation of His excellence in our lives. I am sure that you want to see the best that God has for you manifested in your life, as I do in mine.

If God instructs you to do (or not to do) something, believe and obey! When God states in His Word that He will take care of you and meet all your needs, believe it! Believe before you see.

In God’s kingdom economy, we always believe first and then we see the result of our believing. Right believing leads to right living! Right believing leads to a life of peace, joy and fulfillment!

My message to you today is very simple: Believe!

Prayer Starter: Father, I know that all of Your ways are right and just. I believe Your Word is true, and I ask You to help me believe it at all times. Remind me to believe when I am starting to doubt and help me walk in faith always! In Jesus’ name, amen

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