Topic: THE IMPORTANCE OF SAYING THANKS – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 28 November 2019

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“Was no one found who returned to give glory to God…?” – Luke 17:18

November 28, 2019

It’s that time of the year again to remind ourselves that one of life’s most common oversights is not taking time to say thanks. We get in such a rush that we often forget.

Years ago, ten men with the dreaded disease of leprosy saw Jesus. They were a long distance away, because leprosy was the most feared disease of that day. They were outcasts. People didn’t want to touch them for fear of getting the disease. They were treated like many were treated when the AIDS virus was discovered.

These lepers cried out to Christ to have mercy on them, and He did. He healed them all. What a fantastic day that must have been! Those ten guys got so excited that they all began to run and tell what had happened. But one turned around and took time to worship and thank Jesus – only one. “Weren’t there ten? Where are they?” Jesus asked. Even God desires to be thanked.

This week, don’t miss a great opportunity to take time to say thanks – to God for His blessings – to friends and loved ones – and to any who helped you along the way.

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