Topic: The Influence of a Christian Family [Ellen G. White  Devotional 30 April 2021]

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Exerting a Right Influence

For I know him, that he will command his children, and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment. Genesis 18:19.

Every Christian family should illustrate to the world the power and excellence of Christian influences.

The home in which the members are kindly, courteous Christians exerts a far-reaching influence for good. Other families mark the results attained by such a home and follow the example set, in their turn guarding their homes against evil influences. Angels of heaven often visit the home in which the will of God bears sway. Under the power of divine grace such a home becomes a place of refreshing to worn, weary pilgrims. Self is kept from asserting itself. Right habits are formed. There is a careful recognition of the rights of others. The faith that works by love and purifies the soul stands at the helm, presiding over the entire household.

One well-ordered, well-disciplined family tells more in behalf of Christianity than all the sermons that can be preached.

A lamp, however small, if kept steadily burning, may be the means of lighting many other lamps. Our sphere of influence may seem narrow, our ability small, our opportunities few, our acquirements limited; yet wonderful possibilities are ours through a faithful use of the opportunities of our own homes. If we will open our hearts and home to the divine principles of life, we shall become channels for currents of life-giving power. From our homes will flow streams of healing, bringing life, and beauty, and fruitfulness.

The influence of a carefully guarded Christian home in the years of childhood and youth is the surest safeguard against the corruptions of the world

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