Topic: THE LORD IS WITH YOU  – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 26 June 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour” Judges 6:12 KJV

The fulfillment of your destiny requires empowerment.  You must be courageous and bold if you desire to become all that God has ordained for you to be.

The world today is intimidating! When you look at the things surrounding you, you will be frightened. When you see the development in other nations, you will wonder if  Nigeria will ever catch up with these people. When are we ever going to catch up?  Their roads are superhighways! The wonderful train lines around the cities. Glitter all over the place!  Now the question is how were they able to attain their current level of development? Somebody said it is possible. We need bold people.

Gideon had a great destiny but was hiding. He lacked boldness and courage. He had something to contribute but he was hiding. He forgot what he had inside of him. It required the Angel of the Lord to come to him at the place where he was hiding. That angel needed to come to him and say to him the Lord is with you thou mighty man of valour. That was empowerment!  What was the angel addressing? He was addressing the investment of God inside Gideon. He had something in him which he did not know. The Lord is with you thou mighty man of valour
Gideon, you are not ordinary. You have something to contribute to your generation. The Angel came to him and addressed his inner man because until you rise in your inner man, you cannot take on the giants.  How can you run with the horses if you don’t know that the Lord is with you? You cannot take a bold step unless you are fully persuaded that the Lord is with you.

Further Reading. Judges 6:11-16, Genesis 39:1-5
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Job 5-7; Evening- Acts 8:1-25

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